
(corona)Supporting program by government for business owner


Loan and guarantees

Type No.4 supported by Japanese government

If business owners are affected by the disease and it faces a decline in sales of 20% or more from the previous year/last December/last October-December, it is eligible to make use of a financing guarantee for the full loan amount, which is no-interest and no-collateral.

Type No.5 supported by Japanese government

If business owner affected by the disease and it faces a decline in sales of 5% or more from the previous year, it is eligible to make use of a financing guarantee of 80% of the loan amount.

Other than above
In some local government, sepecial program is prepared in addition to above.


Japanese government is providing several subsidy program.
employment adjustment subsidy; subsidy for employment adjustment(雇用調整助成金)

If business owner should take off the business for certain period due to decrease of revenue, Japanese government support leave payment for employees.

Subsidy for parents who should take off the work due to suspension of school(小学校休校等対応助成金)

If business owner provides paid holiday for the employee who has to take off the work due to suspension of school, Japanese government support 100% of paid holiday salary on behalf of business owner.

Subsidy for tele-work(時間外労働等対応助成金)

If business owner establishes tele-work system, Japanese government supports a part of fees as subsidy.


Japanese tax authority provides one month extension of individual tax return filing/payment.

Corporate tax filing and payment due is expected to extend in certain period. When detail is disclosed, it will be updated.


片山 康史

税理士 / 中小企業診断士

プロビタス税理士法人代表。 「自分の知識と経験で皆を幸せに」をモットーに、税務の問題を解決する情報を発信しています。外資系企業向けの国際税務が得意です。