
Summary about “platform taxation” for the FY2024 Tax Reform Proposal

The following is a summary of five broad revisions to the general outline.

New tax system “Platform taxation” will be introduced in FY2024 tax reform. The rough outline of the content is as follows:

Tax Reforms:1

Regarding the provision of ‘consumer telecommunications services by overseas operators through digital platforms,’ when the compensation for such services is received through a specified platform operator designated in 2 below (‘specific platform operator’), it will be deemed as provided by the specific platform operator.

Tax Reforms:2

If the total amount of compensation for telecommunications services subject to 1 during the tax period of the platform operator exceeds 5 billion yen, Japanese National Tax Agency will designate such platform operator as a specific platform operator.

Tax Reforms:3

Those meeting the criteria in 2 must report this to Japanese National Tax Agency by the deadline for filing the tax return for the relevant tax period.

Tax Reforms:4

Upon designating a specific platform operator, Japanese National Tax Agency will notify the operator accordingly and promptly publicize the name and other details of the digital platform operator through their public website. The designated specific platform operator is required to notify the relevant overseas operators mentioned in 1.

Tax Reforms:5

The specific platform operator must attach a detailed statement containing the amounts subject to 1 to their tax return.


As mentioned in 1, the scope covers digital services provided by overseas operators, hence there won’t be direct implications for domestic businesses as service providers.

Moreover, as stated in 2, the targeted platform operators are limited to those of a certain scale, likely considering the demanding tax compliance and administrative processing requirements.

These amendments are expected to apply to telecommunications services provided after April 1st, Reiwa 7 (2025).


片山 康史

税理士 / 中小企業診断士

プロビタス税理士法人代表。 「自分の知識と経験で皆を幸せに」をモットーに、税務の問題を解決する情報を発信しています。外資系企業向けの国際税務が得意です。