Please be informed that Japanese consumption tax may be levied on your cross-border service from outside Japan, even there is no subsidiary in Japan.
According to the news, Japanese tax authority targeted on very popular online game “Fortnite”. Management company of “Fortnite” (Epic games) locates in Luxembourg and has no permanent establishment (subsidiary, branch and so on) in Japan. However, Japanese tax authority levied on consumption tax of JPY 3.5 billion for the year 2020-2022, including penalty tax.

Due to tax reform in 2015, paying overseas for in-app purchase comes to be subject to Japanese consumption, when the player is located in Japan.
Management company of “Fortnite” (Epic games) had never paid consumption tax on the items purchased by the users in Japan.
It was totally 30 billion yen for 3 years.
Finally, 10% of consumption tax and 20% penalty was levied due to tax audit.
For further detail, please see the link of Japanese tax authority.( Revision of Consumption Taxation on Cross-border Supplies of Services)
We regard services provided via electronic and telecommunication networks (e.g., internet) such as the provision of e-books, music, and advertisements as “provision of electronic services.” A criterion for determining whether the place of supply in a transaction is conducted in Japan, whereby consumption tax is to be imposed (criterion for determining either domestic or foreign transactions) has been revised, in principle, from the location of the office of the service provider associated with providing such services to “address of the service recipients.”
Probitas international tax services can support foreign company which provides cross-border services from overseas. If you have any concern, please feel free to contact us.
「フォートナイト」提供会社の子会社 消費税約30億円申告漏れ